Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Greifen 15 cm ( Kotobukiya )

Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Greifen 15 cm ( Kotobukiya )

129,50 inclusa spedizione in Italia

Questo articolo è attualmente in prenotazione. Sarà disponibile intorno a questa data: ETA: METÀ 07/2024. Attenzione: la data di arrivo è stimata e non garantita. Potrebbe subire ritardi, anche consistenti.

EAN: 4934054062140

Sommario di Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Greifen 15 cm ( Kotobukiya )

“The latest addition to the spin-off series of Kotobukiya’s original Frame Arms robot series, Frame Arms Girl, is GREIFEN! Based on the original Frame Arms mecha designed by Tomotake Kinoshita, Greifen is transformed into an original female character by Tomotake Kinoshita himself! Model Specifications: – This model is a completely brand new Frame Arms Girl. – The signature sub-arms of Frame Arms Greifen are recreated in Frame Arms Girl Greifen as an oversized mecha suit. – Similar to the Frame Arms Hresvelgr, which was also designed by Tomotake Kinoshita, Greifen’s mecha suit can be converted into a bipedal vehicle. – The fingers on the mecha hands are poseable. – The vehicle can be mounted by other Frame Arms Girl models. – The model comes with a clear helmet based on the helmet parts from the original Frame Arms Greifen and comes with modified hair parts to use with the helmet. – In her unarmed form, Greifen can use the hand knife, rocket launcher, and machine gun. – Three new pre-painted face parts are included (Looking Forward, Looking Right, Looking Left/Smiling). Just assembling the kit creates a model faithful to the original art. – The included beret is fully detachable. – The model uses the same joint parts as Frame Arms Girl Hresvelgr. – The model can be displayed with either a necktie or mecha parts based on the Frame Arms Greifen. – The sliding joint on the hip allows for a wide range of movement. – The wrists are articulated with ball joints that allow for a variety of poses. – Includes four types of hands (Closed, Open 1, Open 2, Holding Weapons). – The hands, including joints, can be interchanged with those of the existing Frame Arms Girl series. – Includes decals for the eyes and other markings. – The model is compatible with equipment from the M.S.G and Frame Arms series. (This item is a reproduction.)”

Model kit Frame Arms

Frame Arms Girl Plastic Model Kit Greifen 15 cm ( Kotobukiya ) : quando esce

Questo articolo è attualmente in prenotazione. Sarà disponibile intorno a questa data: ETA: METÀ 07/2024. Attenzione: la data di arrivo è stimata e non garantita. Potrebbe subire ritardi, anche consistenti.
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Barcode: 4934054062140

Peso 300 g